has had an extraordinary journey. The original website was built 20 years ago by a 15 year old that still has more functionality than many big website platforms. But as time goes on and our platform was aging, finding servers that could still host this older design was becoming scarce. After we had a server crash in 2019, we started looking for a new platform to build on. One huge limitation was the number of variants that you could have on a single product. When talking with developers, they asked how many variants we have of a custom bo staff, and the answer was "Infinity" And a new name was born to not only cover our original glow weapons but our ever growing catalog of custom weapons. To be exact, we have over 18,000 color combinations on a bo staff. We settled on using the Shopify platform to build our new home, with the help of some developers to create work arounds to allow us to have an infinite number of color combos on our weapons.
Bonuses on our new site:
*Reduced Shipping costs!
*Mobile Friendly
*New Items available exclusively on
*Automated Tracking Numbers for your orders.